> 春节2024 > 在美国过年有什么影响英语





在英语中,我们经常会用到表示一段时间的词组,比如\"a period of\"和\"over a period of\"。它们在意义上略有不同。

\"A period of\"意为\"一段时间\",它可以指一段连续的时间,比如一个小时、一个月、一年等等。例如,\"She stayed in America for a period of one month\"(她在美国逗留了一个月)。

而\"Over a period of\"则是表示一个时间段的延续,含有\"多于\"或\"超过\"的意思。比如:\"She stayed in America for over a month\"(她在美国逗留了一个多月)。



因此,我们可以这样表达:\"Every Feb 25th is a special day in America\"(每年2月25日是美国的一个特殊日子)。


Dear [朋友的名字],

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share with you how I celebrate the Spring Festival, the most important festival in China. It\'s a time when families gather to celebrate the lunar calendar\'s New Year.

During this festive period, people decorate their houses with red lanterns and couplets, symbolizing good luck and prosperity. We also exchange red envelopes containing money to bring fortune and blessings for the coming year.

One of the highlights of the Spring Festival is the reunion dinner, where family members gather to enjoy a feast of traditional Chinese dishes. We also set off fireworks and firecrackers to ward off evil spirits and bring joy and good fortune.

I hope one day you\'ll have the chance to experience the vibrant and festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival in China!

Best wishes,



德国的新年: 在新年之际,德国人会放置存放了希望和期望的一些东西,例如财神爷、吉祥物等等。在一个星期之前、一个星期之后的时间内,人们会庆祝新年。这段时间里,各种庆祝活动、聚会和狂欢派对纷纷展开。


Dear Tom,

Hello! I\'m glad to know that you and your parents are coming to China during the Spring Festival. It\'s a special time for us Chinese people, and I\'m sure you\'ll have a great experience.

The Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important festival in China. It marks the beginning of the lunar calendar\'s New Year and is a time when families gather to celebrate.

During the Spring Festival, we have many traditions and customs. One of them is giving and receiving red envelopes, which contain money and symbolize good luck and blessings for the coming year. We also decorate our houses with red lanterns and couplets to bring happiness and good fortune.

Another important tradition is the reunion dinner. On the New Year\'s Eve, family members travel from near and far to have a big dinner together. We enjoy delicious food and share stories and laughter. It\'s a time for family bonding and showing love and care for each other.

At midnight, we set off fireworks and firecrackers to drive away evil spirits and welcome the new year with joy and enthusiasm. The streets are filled with a festive atmosphere, and people wear new clothes to symbolize a fresh start.

I\'m looking forward to celebrating the Spring Festival with you and your family. I\'m sure it will be a memorable experience for all of us!

Best wishes,





  • \"in\"用于年份和季节,例如\"in the year 2000\"(在2000年)、\"in winter\"(在冬季)。
  • \"at\"用于具体的时间点,例如\"at night\"(在晚上)、\"at half past two\"(在两点半)。
  • \"on\"用于具体的日期,例如\"on Spring Festival\"(在春节当天)。



\"Chinese people will celebrate the Spring Festival in 2 months\"(再过2个月,中国人就要过春节了)。

The Spring Festival is an important traditional festival in China and is equivalent to Christmas in the United States. It\'s a time for family reunion, feasting, and celebration.

I hope you have the opportunity to experience the festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival in China!



  • New Year\'s Day(元旦,1月1日): It marks the beginning of the new year in China, just like in many other countries.
  • The Spring Festival(春节,农历一月一日): It is the most important and widely celebrated festival in China. It\'s a time for family reunion, feasting, and honoring ancestors.
  • The Lantern Festival(元宵节,农历一月十五日): It marks the end of the Spring Festival celebrations. People light lanterns, appreciate beautiful lantern displays, and enjoy traditional performances.
  • International Women\'s Day(国际劳动妇女节,3月8日): It\'s a day to celebrate and honor the achievements of women in various fields.



  • \"Wish you a brand new beginning at the beginning of the new year\"(祝你在新的一年里事事一帆风顺)。
  • \"Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year\"(祝你新年快乐、繁荣富裕)。
  • \"May the coming year bring you joy, happiness, and success\"(愿新的一年给你带来欢乐、幸福和成功)。



  • New Year\'s Day(1月1日)
  • Valentine\'s Day(2月14日)
  • St David\'s Day(3月1日)
  • St Patrick\'s Day(3月17日)
  • Good Friday(4月的第一个星期五)
  • Easter Monday(复活节后的第一个星期一)
  • May Day(5月1日)
  • Trooping the Colour(6月的第一个星期六)
  • Remembrance Day(11月11日)
  • Christmas Day(12月25日)
  • 12
