ice age 3 冰河世纪 3 预告片(ice age 3)
很多人对ice age 3 冰河世纪 3 预告片,ice age 3不是很了解那具体是什么情况呢,现在让我们一起来瞧瞧吧!
1、Ice age 3: the dawn of dinosaur has Sid taken by a female dinosaur - Tyrannosaurus after stealing her 3 eggs. It is leading the rest of his friends to rescure him in a tripical lost world where the dinosour living under the ice.through the entire story, we learned that we must rely on the teamwork to achieve the goals and smart brainstorm is necessary. to achieve the goal, courage is also necessary like what Sid the way, the movie ending song \"Walk the dinosaur\" is also fantastic. It is worth finishing the whole song before leaving the cinema.我不会。
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